Pastor Matt Slater
Lead Pastor
If you join us on a Sunday morning, more than likely you’ll be listening to him! Matt’s role as lead pastor is to preach, care for the congregation, equip people to serve God, lead the board and ministry leaders, and help give vision to Monroe Nazarene. When he isn't talking about some sci-fi/fantasy film in his message, he's probably watching one. He would love to meet you when you join us!

Pastor Michelle Dugan
Associate Pastor of Care & Connection
Michelle helps lead our care teams, connecting people to each other and to our ministries. She also looks to connect our church family with the greater needs of our community.

Sam Poley
Administrative Manager
Whether it be communicating about events or coordinating our ministries, Sam probably took care of it! Sam is an integral part of our church life and she’s dedicated to making it happen! Sam also helps lead our youth ministry as a committed mentor and administrator.

Charles and Sara Ryder
Worship Leaders
When they aren't leading our music during Sunday worship, you'll find the Ryders prayerfully crafting worship sets, finding musicians, or playing zone defense with their family.

Nick Hay
Technology Coordinator & Board Secretary
Ministry is far more digital than it used to be. Thankfully we have Nick to help coordinate, troubleshoot, and run our technologies! If it plugs in, Nick probably made it happen. He is also our board secretary.
Board Members
Sarah Chalfant (Missions), Laura Chandler (Treasurer), Scott Cooley, Billy Griner (Discipleship), Charles Ryder, Frank Tormino, Jane Wells